Boudoir in the Desert!

It’s been almost a month since my last blog post, please forgive me!! I’m going to try to share more frequently. But if I’m honest it’s been hard not being able to actively work and practice photography with the current health crisis going on in the world. I have no current sessions to share here which has felt discouraging but I do have plenty of older work that I can dig out of the archives so that’s what I’m going try to do here until my business is up and running again.

Boudoir in the desert, baby!

Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. Shot last summer on my cross country road trip.
A friend told me about this spot for a few years and I have always wanted to go check it out but every time I was traveling through or in Texas it always seemed to add a bunch of hours to my trip and I was on a time schedule or something or other and I had never made it until this time! And I just so happened to be traveling with a friend who was down to model! We got there just before sunset and it was a full moon too, we definitely had to take advantage of that! .

It was a crazy session, it was sooo windy which made it challenging and my friend actually got KNOCKED over by the wind because those heels were so wobbly! but we made it work, these are some of my favorites from the session!

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe!!